Altar Rosary SocietyOur Altar Rosary Society started in 1948. We meet on the first Sunday of the month at the 8:00 a.m. Mass. On the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (excluding Holy days and Holidays) we gather in the Church for Rosary and Benediction followed by a business meeting and short social in the Parish Hall. We are responsible for the purchase and maintenance of the Linens, vestments and flowers used on the Altar. Some of our fund raisers are the Silent Auctions and Christmas Bazaar, We invite all parishioners to join us on any first Monday and see if you would like to join. ( We do not have meetings in July and August) If you have any questions please call the Rectory and they will direct the information to the person in charge.
Altar Servers
St. Ann's has an active Altar Server Program. The altar servers are an important part of the celebration of the Mass. All boys and girls 5th grade to 12th grade are encouraged to become altar servers. We also have social events for altar servers throughout the year, including monthly breakfasts, bowling, and meetings. You have to be able to attend different Masses depending on the schedule. Please contact the rectory to leave your name, age, and phone number if you are interested.
Bereavement Committee
Provides comfort and assistance to families of departed loved-ones by assisting the family of the deceased prior to and during the funeral Mass with details like the selection of readings and songs that will be sung during the Mass. It is a time of deep sorrow for the grieving family and we are with them, assuring them of the support and prayers of the parish family.
The parish organizes two weekly Bingo games conducted in our bright and spacious hall. It is a much needed recreational activity especially for the elderly in the community. The sessions are conducted: Every Friday, doors open at 5:30 pm and games begin at 7:00 pm, if interested please contact us.
Buildings & Grounds Committee
This committee of appointed members advises the Pastor on construction, renovation, and maintenance of the Church parish facilities.
(Cur-see-yo) is defined as a "short course" in Christian living. It originated in Spain, and first came to the United States in 1957. Cursillo is a tool which Christians can use to better understand their faith in order to develop a closer relationship with Jesus. Cursillo provides another opportunity to get to know your faith, your God, and your privileges as a Christian--the tools by which you discover the very important role you have in the formation of a Christian community.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Lay Eucharist ministers are practicing Catholics that have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation and have a desire to serve the people of the parish. There is a short training session during which we go over the spirituality of this sacred ministry, the articles used for the different roles of the EM, the dress code, attendance at Mass, and answer any questions you might have. Lay Eucharist Ministers are used at Mass; to take the Eucharist to the home bound; and to take the Eucharist to the sick in the hospital. For those that have a desire to serve at Mass, we will start you out slowly, normally with a Bread station and then the cup. We do ask that you provide two masses that you attend for the scheduling. For those that are called to ministry to the home bound, and sick (hospital) we also have a training period and the first few times will have someone to go with you if needed. We are always in need of people for this ministry.
Finance Council
The Finance Council advises the Pastor on financial and business matters.
Greeters are parishioners who are willing to come early before weekend Mass to welcome parishioners and visitors.
Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society is a lay Catholic men's organization whose members seek: To avoid disrespect to the Name of God, of the Name of Jesus and to holy things. To spread and increase love for the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ by word and example. Every second Sunday of each month the 8:00 am Mass is offered for the living and deceased members. All Holy Name Members are invited to attend.
Korean Community
Part of the diverse community this group meets to share the sacrifice of the Mass and each others company. Meetings are scheduled frequently and as announced.
You are responsible for presenting the readings or presenting the focus as commentator for the congregation at Mass. Responsibilities of the lector and commentator are rewarding and fulfilling. You help the Church bring God's word and message to the people.
Liturgy Committee
This ministry is responsible for providing the vision and planning of all parish liturgical celebrations.
Marriage Programs
This includes diocesan programs such as Marriage Encounter and parish programs such as pre-Cana meetings.
Ministry of the Sick and Home bound
For Sacrament of the sick and confessions please contact the Rectory at (609) 893-3246. For DAILY and SUNDAY Communion at Deborah Hospital please contact the Rectory as well or call the contact numbers shown on the contact sheet.
Music Ministries
Men, women and children are given the opportunity to participate in weekend liturgies through vocal or instrumental music. The music ministry provides music for most Sunday and Holy Day Masses. An Adult choir sings for major Feasts, and for other celebrations as requested. Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Smaller choirs sing for Saturday 5:15 pm Mass and Sunday 8:00 am Mass. A song leader and organist/pianist provide music for the Sunday 10:30 am and 12 Noon Mass. We are always looking for Musicians capable of playing for Mass, and Song Leaders/Cantors to lead the singing.
Parish Carnival Committee
Is responsible for planning and operating the annual Carnival. It is an event where the parish family of St. Ann's invites the community on to our property for a week of family fun and excitement. It offers exciting rides, games of chance, super raffles, delicious food and the world famous funnel cakes. St. Ann's has hosted a carnival for over fifty years and is the longest running community event in Pemberton Township.
Parish Council
This group of elected and appointed parishioners work with the Pastor to formulate and develop vision for the parish's future.
Prayer Line
This group networks to pray for needs which are called in by parishioners.
Respect for Life Committee
This ministry encourages and supports life, from conception to death, through prayer, action and activities. The committee is dedicated to proclaiming the teaching of the Church stating that life, from the moment of conception to natural death, is sacred. Along with distributing information regarding this teaching, the Committee offers referral assistance for those in need of counseling. As a yearly activity, the Committee sponsors a bus to the annual Right to Life March in Washington, DC on January 22.
Rosary Makers of St. Ann's
Our Rosary Makers are part of "Our Lady's Rosary Makers", an International Organization in Kentucky, dedicated to helping the poor (and others) to receive rosaries with no cost to them.
Separated and Divorced Catholics
The Catholic Church, which always upholds the dignity of marriage as a lifelong and exclusive covenant, recognizes the reality of separation and divorce. In an effort to reach out to those who have undergone the pain of a broken marriage, the Church has a special healing ministry. This Separated and Divorced Healing Ministry seeks to make God's love visible by extending compassion to those who are separated or divorced, by striving to create greater awareness that their anguish can become a source of new personal and spiritual growth for themselves and a source of grace for the whole community, while always affirming our Catholic teachings values or marriage and family life.
St. Ann's Food Pantry
St. Ann's Church operates a food pantry for the needy of our community. The pantry is open for food distribution on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. The hours of operation are 10:00 AM -12:00 PM on distribution days. We provide supplemental food for approximately 80 families on food days. We are staffed by 12 volunteers.
Ushers/Hospitality Ministry
These are men and women of the parish who are ministers of hospitality and assist in welcoming people, taking up the collections and assisting the congregation at religious services. The greeting is one of welcome, imparting Jesus' love as a fellow Christian, and an invitation to share with other fellow Christians, the Eucharist.
Visits to the Homebound
This ministry brings joy to our elderly and sick parishioners and acts as their link to the large church community.
Welcoming Committee
Men and women visit and personally welcome and distribute a "welcome packet" to our new parishioners.