February, 2024
Dear parishioners:
The Lord is truly risen, Alleluia!
With significant challenges facing us like: increasing violence in the country, Southern border problems, Israel-Hamas war, Russian-Ukraine never-ending war, perhaps the joy of Easter is difficult to embrace. Our hearts maybe like those of women’s who went on Easter dawn to anoint the Lord’s body. At the strange sight of an empty tomb and an apparently absent Jesus, instead of experiencing immediate joy, they were confused and distressed. Only in seeing the Lord face to face did they come to embrace His rising from the dead.
Like Mary Magdalene and the other disciples, we need to see Christ alive among us. We need to see the Resurrection in our midst. So, this Easter, let us ask, “Where is Christ alive?” Christ is alive in His risen and glorified presence in the Eucharist and in the transforming power of His Body that we receive in the celebration of the Mass.
“No matter whether we are speaking English, Spanish, Tagalog, Korean or some other language, God speaks to us every Eucharist also in words that we all understand, and he calls us to bring his love and his message of peace to all people, so that everyone has the opportunity to know that they, too, can be a part of God’s family, that God loves each of us.
May we continue to encounter the presence of Jesus in our community of St. Ann’s. May we continue to experience signs of His Resurrection even amidst the challenges and crosses we embrace, and may this encounter continue to fill our hearts, so that our voices can confidently cry out: The Lord is truly risen! Alleluia! God is victorious!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Krzysztof (Chris) Pipa, SVD
Fr. Pierre (Fleury) Lunimbu, SVD
Deacon Mike O’Brien,
Deacon Charles Raylman
Spanish Easter Message
Con mejores deseos para las Fiestas Pascuales, más arriba mencionados nos unimos con Ustedes en oración deseándoles que este tiempo de la victoria de Jesús sobre la muerte ssuscite y acompañe en nosotros el deseo de renovación, desbordando nuestro corazón de amor y esperanza. Que el Señor Resucitado siga vigorizando nuestra fe, fortaleciendo nuestra esperanza y dinamizando nuestro amor hacia los hermanos.